If you are getting ready to purchase real estate, do not miss the important preliminary step of receiving a loan pre-approval. A pre-approval involves evaluating your financial information and credit scores to gauge your ability to obtain a mortgage. It is not a promise of a loan, but the best estimation in lieu of a full application. Getting a pre-approval letter is essential for several reasons. This blog provides reasons why buyers should get pre-approvals before viewing Monadnock Region homes.
Understand Your Price Range
Financing requirements and interest rates will vary. A pre-approval will give you clarity on the loans and options that you may use, what your costs will be, and most importantly, what you can purchase. Without this, you can waste a lot of time viewing properties that you can not finance. It is also better not to become attached to a home beyond your price range.
Buying Power
The best properties also sell the quickest. A pre-approval provides you with the option to act on a hot property. When you write a bid, you normally must provide a pre-approval letter. This shows the seller that you are prepared and able to buy. It is unusual that a seller would accept an offer and move forward with a home buyer without any indication that the buyer can even pay for the property. When there are multiple offers, this is even more critical.
Impact on Time
A pre-approval saves time during the offer process and during loan processing. Most home sellers will not look at an offer without a pre-approval. Not having one prepared will delay submitting your offer and may result in a lost opportunity. Pre-approvals involve analyzing earnings, personal assets, recurring debt, etc. This may take some time depending on whether you have the paperwork in-hand. Mistakes in your credit reports can cause more delays. Starting in advance will also save significant time in processing your loan and accomplishing a quick closing.
Reasons Why Buyers Should Get Pre-approvals Before Viewing Monadnock Region Homes
The details in this article on reasons why buyers should get pre-approvals before viewing Monadnock Region homes are for consideration as you begin to think about buying a property. The home buying experience may be complicated and stressful to begin with. Being diligent and prepared can reduce problems. For additional information, contact Ken Moller at The Mollers by emailing office@themollers.com or calling 603-525-4211.